“Names and attributes must be accommodated to the essence of things, and not the essence to the names, since things come first and names afterwards.”
Galileo Galilei
At Five/I we believe strongly in the mission and values represented in our name and logo. We are proud to share with you our essence.
The FIVE I’s
1. Integrity. The “how?” Basically, we could stop here and call ourselves One/I because Integrity is the foundation for everything else. For us, the end does not justify the means. Our clients, customers, vendors, capital partners, employees, and other stakeholders (“Partners”) can expect moral and ethical principles that are sacrosanct.
2. Investing. The “what?” Simply, we are in the business of investing our time, energy, resources, and capital in, and with, our Partners.
3. Impactful. The “why?” We do what we do to have an impact on our Partners and in our communities. That means we lead by example – diversity, inclusion, open-mindedness, compassion - and strive to do more than just "make money."
4. Immediate. The “when?” For us, patience is over-rated. Execution is the key to success and immediacy is the key to execution.
5. Ingram. The “who?” At Five/I, there is a person behind the name. We will never hide behind a nameless, faceless decision or policy.
The Forward Slash
The Forward Slash represents Motion, Advancement, and Forward-Focus.
The Upwards Arrow
The Upwards Arrow reflects Aspiration, Improvement, and Goal-Oriented.
The Extended Line
The baseline begins before the name denoting that we strive to be a Learning Organization allowing our Partners to benefit from our collective past experiences.